
Compiti per il weekend – 03/03/2018

Compiti per il weekend – 03/03/2018

In questa rubrica vi segnaliamo articoli e video che abbiamo trovato interessanti, sfiziosi, gustosi o, insomma, degni di essere menzionati, e che sono più o meno legati ai temi che ci piace trattare su Outcast. Gli articoli e i video non sono necessariamente in italiano, anzi, è tristemente probabile che non lo siano. La periodicità dell’appuntamento potrebbe essere settimanale, ma vai a sapere.

La forza inaspettata di Kingdom Come: Deliverance (leggi l'articolo su Everyeye)
Il mondo videoludico non si fonda solo sulla necessità di dare un voto un po' più alto per esaltare gli aspetti positivi di un'opera a tratti rivoluzionaria, ma soprattutto il coraggio di un appassionato che sa scegliere cosa è meglio per lui. Non ci sarebbe quindi la "perfezione" di Skyrim, se tutte le parti non avessero svolto intelligentemente il loro dovere ai tempi di Daggerfall, il secondo The Elder Scrolls che ridefinì sia il concetto di gioco di ruolo che di bug.

The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel e le altre (leggi l'articolo su il Tascabile)
Il suo stile comico era inedito: snocciolava le premesse di una situazione potenzialmente umoristica e infilava una sequenza rapidissima di punchline, frasi di una riga che suscitavano potenti scoppi di risa nel pubblico (figura nel Guinness dei Primati per la più alta quantità di risate in sessanta secondi). Per fare tutto questo, in tre parole, uscì da se stessa.

Dreams of Africa: The Fantasy Politics of "Black Panther (leggi l'articolo su rogerebert.com)
But Erik is so strong that he nearly unbalances the movie, in a way that no other Marvel screen villain has done. It's his ideological conflict with T'Challa that makes politically minded viewers choose sides and root for one character over the other, even as they acknowledge that both men make valid points and are motivated by feelings that anyone can relate to.

The Story of Hollywood's Difficult Women (leggi l'articolo su rogerebert.com)
When it comes to an actress’ stardom, success is never attributed to the individual, but failure is. Since the revelations against Weinstein started it has left people to say, “I always wondered what happened to her.” Before Weinstein’s actions were exposed the common refrain was “I heard they were hard to work with.”

Scarlett's 'StarCraft II' Victory Was An Important Moment For Many Reasons (leggi l'articolo su Glixel)
The significance of Scarlett’s achievement was lost on nobody. It was only the second championship by a North American StarCraft II player in South Korea, but also the first premier StarCraft II championship to be won by a woman. And while Scarlett has always been emphatic about her disinterest in being recognized for anything but her in-game skill (and, given the generally awful treatment of women in esports, it’s hard not to blame her for doing so), her championship is a milestone in breaking esports’ well-earned reputation as a boy’s club.

Bayonetta's Arrival on Switch speaks to the reemergence of a forgotten approach to game publishing (leggi l'articolo su Retronauts)
I can come up with plenty of whys to potentially explain the trend. It's surely no coincidence that this trend began around the time the PlayStation 4 debuted, since that was the first member of the PlayStation console family in more than a decade not to incorporate any sort of backward-compatibility. On PS2 and early PS3 models, revisiting a favorite game from a previous generation was as easy as popping in the disc and pressing Start. PS4 completely cut BC out of the mix, meaning fans either needed to keep their older hardware on hand for access to last-gen software or else buy it again as a remaster or PlayStation Now stream.

Owlboy is the skyward hero Nintendo fans deserve (leggi l'articolo su Destructoid)
One of the reasons Owlboy nails the feeling of friendship so well is that it was made by a small group of friends over the course of more than eight years. The group was constantly turning to itself for strength and inspiration, relying on each other for hope and confidence during those times when it seemed the game would never see the light of day.

Neil Gaiman: Why our future depends on libraries, reading and daydreaming (leggi l'articolo su The Guardian)
Albert Einstein was asked once how we could make our children intelligent. His reply was both simple and wise. “If you want your children to be intelligent,” he said, “read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.” He understood the value of reading, and of imagining. I hope we can give our children a world in which they will read, and be read to, and imagine, and understand.

Donald Glover can't save you (leggi l'articolo su The New Yorker)
Glover’s dialogue exhibits a saltatory quality that also defines his career. As a boy, he wanted to be a wedding planner. Instead, he has been a sketch comic; a standup comedian; a writer on “30 Rock”; an actor on “Community”; a d.j. named mc DJ; a musician known as Childish Gambino, who was nominated for five Grammys this year; and a budding movie star, who will appear as both Lando Calrissian in “Solo: A Star Wars Story,” out in May, and Simba in a live-action version of “The Lion King.”

Lo ammetto: anche dopo averci giocato, non ho idea del perché Mulaka si chiami Mulaka

Lo ammetto: anche dopo averci giocato, non ho idea del perché Mulaka si chiami Mulaka

Old! #247 – Marzo 1978

Old! #247 – Marzo 1978